Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dear People of Earth:

This should go without saying, but these are some heavy times and so it bears repeating over and over and over. All of my spaces - my heart, my home, my little corner of the internet - will always be open to you, regardless of your gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or political affiliation. I believe in equal rights, compassion and love for all. I believe all people are my people. I believe we are all connected, that as a society we are only as rich as our poorest member, only as free as the least free among us, only successful when we are helping each other instead of holding each other down. 

Life is hard. For some of you, it just got a whole lot harder. I have always been more of a lover than a fighter but these are fighting times. So I will love you and I will fight for you. I will fight for your rights, your liberty and your freedom of choice with my votes and words and actions. 

You are important to me. I want to hear your stories - your struggles, feelings, failures, triumphs, joys and loves. I want to connect with you, human to human. I am here (jen@fromrobotwithlove.org) and you are always welcome. 

I'm a flawed and imperfect being, so please bear with me as I stumble through this thing called life. There are times when I will fail you or disappoint you. For that I'm sorry. But I will keep trying. Because I believe that our purpose here is to be excellent to each other and to make the party of life an epic event for everyone. I believe that my purpose is to work out my empathy and compassion muscles, to strive for understanding over judgment, curiosity over contempt and reason over rhetoric, and to spread love and awesomeness wherever I can. 

Let's be friends. Let's fight oppression and discrimination. Let's be awesome together. 

From Robot, with Love. Always. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that I can partake in your little corner of the internet. Thanks for your words of wisdom Jen.
