Wednesday, May 13, 2015

All the exciting things are happening!

This is the time of year when I get that crazy let's-go-everywhere-and-do-everything fever. The sun stays out from 5am-9pm. The weather is perfect for running. And the call of adventure is impossible to resist. This year I am especially stoked because all the exciting things are happening!

In a little over a week we'll be heading to Oregon for runcation! Strangely, I am 100% excited and not at all nervous. Ok, maybe 0.55% nervous. I just want to feel good and run well so I'm not holding Pete back or anything. But mostly I'm just excited. Because we get to run 42 miles in 3 days and stay at cabins (with beds! and a real bathroom!) and explore the Rogue River and maybe see a bear!

Then when we return, I will finally realize my dream of living life à la Golden Girls. Or what Golden Girls would be if no one was a senior citizen and two of the roommates were dogs. So even better. My point being, Danielle and Charlie are moving in with me and Mozzie and we are going to have some crazy adventures I'm sure. Commencing phase one of trail commune!

And then...running, more running, The Avett Brothers concert, camping, exploring, living the dream. I'm on the waitlist for FingerLakes 50K, so I'm just going to train as if I'll get in. If I don't run that race, I'll run another. Plenty of fish in the sea. Or races in the trail. Or whatever. I'm planning on running a shitload of miles anyway because there's now a neon sign in my brain that won't stop blinking Mind The Ducks. So I'm going to see if I can get in good enough shape to attempt that insanity next year. Phase one, Get On Board The Nutrition Train, has begun. Cookie consumption is way down and spinach consumption is way up. Phase two, Talk About MTD Incessantly Until Others Get Annoyed Agree To Join You, is coming soon. My only hesitation is that the race is on a paved path and I don't know if my body can handle that for 12 hours. But maybe I'll try those Hoka shoes or look for a similar race on trails or a softer path. Who knows? Anything can happen. And that's the way I like it.

Lyric of the moment: "I cannot live, I can't breathe unless you do this with me. Hey, oh, here I am (do this with me), and here we go, life's waiting to begin (do this with me)..." ~Angels and Airwaves "The Adventure" (Phase two begins subtly).

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