Saturday, December 4, 2010

Winter Armistice

It's no secret that Winter and I are not friends. Winter is cold and my body has a frightening inability to regulate its temperature in any weather cooler than 60 degrees. Since hibernation is not a viable option, I decided to join the Winter Warriors program at Fleet Feet. Basically, you get points for going to any of the regular Fleet Feet workouts or running in any races that Fleet Feet sponsors, and you can win prizes along the way. It doesn't matter how fast you are; the points are based entirely on participation. The point is to encourage people to stay active through the winter months. I don't need any motivation to exercise, but I figure Winter Warriors will help me embrace the cold and snow, or at least tolerate it.

I guess bad weather is like anything else. You can focus on all the things you don't like about it and get all grumpy, or you can accept that there are certain things you can't change and just try to make the best of it.

So this is my armistice with winter. I will try to run through the winter without complaint (well, mostly without complaint - I reserve the right to complain about hail because that icewad hurts!) and hopefully winter will try not to frostbite me.

Granted, it hasn't been that cold yet, but so far so good. I went to this week's Tuesday night, Friday night and Saturday morning runs and, as long as I keep moving I stay warm enough. Hopefully I can brave the arsenal of snow, sleet and wind ahead.

Lyric of the moment: "And when I wake tomorrow I'll bet that you and I will walk together again, 'cause I can tell that we are going to be friends..."

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