Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ba ba ba muffins!*

Things that are awesome:

1. On Sunday I made pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bread. I didn't let not having the right ingredients (eggs, oil) stop me. Nor did I go to the store to buy said ingredients. Nope, instead of following the recipe, I threw in some random ingredients I had on hand (milk, bananas). I consider any kitchen endeavor that doesn't end in fire to be a success. So muffin mission accomplished. They didn't taste half bad either. Maybe I will embark upon a new hobby called lazy baking.

2. In what I hope will become a trend, my mortgage company sent me a check this month. It was only for $26 but I like where this is going.

3. Alfred Hitchcock movies. Mike and I started watching all the old Hitchcock classics, which I'd never seen before. So far we've watched Rope, Rear Window and Dial M for Murder. I also want to see Vertigo, Psycho, North by Northwest and Strangers on a Train.

4. This soup that Mike's Nama made. I've eaten it for 3 days straight. It is The. Best. Ever.

Things I want to do:

1. Go to Lockport Caves. Underground boat rides! Enough said.

2. Some of these upcoming races: East Ave Grocery Run, Fleet Feet Dirt Cheap Stage Race (I'd love to do all three races on both days if I can find someone to run with), Webster Turkey Trot, Jingle Bell Run.

3. Find out if there is really a sauce called awesome sauce. And hope that its slogan is "This is what awesome tastes like."

Lyric of the moment: "I wanna live in a wooden house, where making more friends would be easy. I wanna live where the sun comes out." (I've never understood this song. Why would living in a wooden house help you make friends? Because people like wood?)

*If Shawn Spencer was a real person, I would marry him.

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