Friday night Mike and I went to Dogtown and to see Sucker Punch. Aesthetically, I thought the movie was cool and I liked the soundtrack, but the storyline was weird and confusing. Still, I do enjoy an action movie with some kickass ladies, though I don't understand why they're always dressed like skanks.
Saturday morning I ran 18 miles! The first leg was more fun because Shooter and Eric were there, but then they turned off to do the 10 mile route and I went on with some other people from running group who I don't know very well. They were all nice to me, but I got a little impatient because they kept stopping to go to the bathroom and get water and stand around on the corner eating gels. I don't like stopping. I'm not going to stop during the race so I need to run nonstop on training runs too. Since the rest of the group was doing 20 miles, I ran the last few miles back to Fleet Feet by myself. I could feel a heaviness in my lower legs, but by that point I just wanted to finish up and get home, so I sped up a little and the faster turnover seemed to help. I like showers, breakfast and naps as much as the next person, but after 3 hours of running they feel especially good.
Saturday night I went to Shooter's birthday party, had a lot of fun with some hilarious people, stayed up late, laughed so hard my face hurt and almost won at darts. Good times, good times.
Hopefully spring will come soon. For real. And hopefully there will be more good runs and good times up ahead.
Lyric of the moment: "Cuz everybody dies but not everybody lives..."
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