Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The boot. And other things I do for the love of running.

A typical rolfing session
Running, I must love the crap out of you because I've been putting everything I have into getting back to you. I got over my insecurities so I could put on a swimsuit and work out in the pool. I went to rolfing, which makes me feel like I'm being drawn and quartered. I've gotten x-rays and gone to a chiropractor, a sports medicine doctor, a general practitioner and a podiatrist. I have an appointment with a renowned foot and ankle doctor at the end of the month. The podiatrist taped up my foot and told me to keep the tape on for a few days, so I've been showering with my right foot outside the tub so the tape won't get wet. He also suggested that I stretch my calf muscles every time I go to the bathroom, which should be interesting when I have to use a public restroom. And now I've got big blue Dorsiwedge, the boot I have to wear to bed every night for a few weeks. I'm not supposed to stand or walk in it, so of course every time I put it on I immediately have to pee. And since I don't feel like taking it off and putting it on again every 3 seconds, I have to hop to the bathroom on one foot. And then stretch my calves. It's getting ridiculous up in here.
Sexy, right? My Dorsiwedge
brings all the boys to the yard.

Sometimes I question the sanity of giving my all to something that hurt me, but I can't help it. I'm a runner through and through. And I never give up on the things I love. I will try everything I can think of until something works. Even if it takes me 26 years to get there, I will run another marathon someday.

Lyric of the moment: "I’m never ever gonna quit. 'Cause quittin' just ain't my shit..."

1 comment:

  1. I own the boot.. it is like a miracle cure when I have a tight achilles....

    It's odd you are having trouble, it seemed for so long you were so fine with so many miles.

    I wonder if the stress yo were carrying was changing the way you ran, it was always free and flowing.. you may not even know you changed...

    My question is, are all these doctors giving you different advice? different treatment? different theories? Sometimes (in my non medical profession) I feel like they treat a problem in the way they are trained. Surgeons like to cut, podiatrists make inserts (and demand you wear them) therapists tell you to strengthen with them, etc etc....

    Maybe its just about being free, running to run... running with less weight on those shoulders....

    my 2 cents...
